Gardening Club

Gardening Club have been busy planting a number of new trees received from a grant from The Woodland Trust. What a lovely area this is for us all to enjoy! Thank you to Mrs Singleton and the children.


School Council and Eco Council

Each year, a School Council is elected consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary and Spokespeople from each year group.

An Eco Council is also elected with representatives across the school.

The councils meet regularly, sharing views from across the school, and seeking to make democratic decisions to improve the school for everyone!

Other Responsibilities

In addition to the roles on the School Council and Eco Council, our older pupils enjoy a number of other responsibilities:

  • Librarians who organise the school library and support younger pupils by reading with them and helping them to choose texts;
  • Monitors who count weekly team points and Number Kit points;
  • Our Year 6 children all Buddy a Reception child for the whole year, supporting with a wide range of activities, including being a friendly face at playtime and lunchtime.
  • Science Ambassadors.

Eco Council - Working with Norse to be more Eco-Friendly

We are extremely proud of our Eco Council.  Thanks to their diligence and passion for the environment, they have succeeded in persuading our school lunches supplier – Norse – to switch from their individual polystyrene ice cream pots to one large tub of ice cream which can be served in bowls which are provided by the school kitchen. This is a huge achievement which the children are very proud of! It has given them the confidence that by using their voice, they can make big changes for the better.

A representative from Norse visited our school on Monday this week, giving the children of the whole school a talk during Collective Worship on what else Norse are doing to help the planet. This has also strengthened our relationship with Norse and they have happily expressed their keenness to hear any other ideas or suggestions we might have for them (and more ideas they have, too)!

Well done, eco council! Thank you to Miss Goodchild and Mrs Smith for supporting them.


In October, we came to school with Hallowe’en Hair to raise money for FOSS.

In March, we organised a non-school uniform day for Comic Relief.  Across our Federation, we raised a total of £165.

In November, the School Council agreed to a non-school uniform day in aid of Children In Need.  Across the Federation, we raised a grand total of £215.

Squirrel Class Penguin Waddle

Thank you to everyone who sponsored Squirrel Class to waddle like a penguin in December!  We raised £124, which will enable us to sponsor a penguin!

Santa Dash and Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children

Links with Other Schools

We have made links with Xetolacw Community School, a pre-K to Grade 12 facility in Mount Currie, British Columbia, Canada.  The school provides a positive and empowering learning environment where Lilwat culture, language and values are taught and celebrated alongside  the academic curriculum.

Owl Class wrote letters to the children of Grade 6 and have been really excited to share information about our community in Saxlingham and to be able to find out about living in a contrasting community in a very different part of the world.