Being a Church of England School

Our school welcomes pupils from all faith backgrounds, including no faith.  As Church of England primary schools, the Tas Valley Federation is committed to enabling its pupils to flourish through effective teaching and learning and strong Christian values. That means equipping our children with the emotional and academic skills to help form their aspirations, and providing the support and nurture to set them on their way to achieving them.

The Tas Valley Federation schools play an important role within the communities of Tasburgh and Saxlingham Nethergate.  We work closely with the Tas Valley Benefice, and the churches of St. Mary’s Tasburgh and St Mary the Virgin, Saxlingham Nethergate.

Collective worship is a fundamental part of our daily school routine, and we work to make this inclusive, invitational and inspiring for all members of the school communities, for those of all faiths, and of no faith.  Collective worship is led by many different members of the school communities, including the children.  Collective worship provides an opportunity for pupils and staff to gather together to respond to the presence, power and peace of God through prayer, worship, sharing, reflection and celebration of achievements.

Click here to find out more about what it means to be a church school.

Click here to view our Collective Worship Policy.

Click here to view our SMSC Policy.

Click here to view our Spirituality in School Policy.

Click here to view our Spirituality in School Curriculum Statement.

Click here to view our Religious Education Policy.

Click here to view our latest SIAMS inspection report.

Click on the links below to find out more about being part of our Church School community:


Together We Care
Together We Learn
Together We Achieve
Together We Celebrate