Together We Care

School Council and Eco Council

Each year, a School Council is elected consisting of a Chairperson, Secretary and Spokespeople from each year group.

An Eco Council is also elected with representatives across the school.

The councils meet regularly, sharing views from across the school, and seeking to make democratic decisions to improve the school for everyone!

Other responsibilities

In addition to the roles on the School Council and Eco Council, our older pupils enjoy a number of other responsibilities:

  • Librarians who organise the school library and support younger pupils by reading with them and helping them to choose texts;
  • Monitors who count weekly team points and Number Kit points;
  • Our Year 6 children all Buddy a Reception child for the whole year, supporting with a wide range of activities, including being a friendly face at playtime and lunchtime.
  • Science Ambassadors.


In March, we organised a non-school uniform day in aid of Comic Relief.  Across our Federation, we raised a total of £165.

Thank you to everyone who donated to Children In Need.  Across the Federation, we raised a grand total of £215.

Heartbeat First Aid Training

The Year 6 children enjoyed an important day of first aid training.  The children learnt about care of conscious and unconscious casualties.  They also talked about choking, bleeding and how to put a casualty into the recovery position.  The children were also introduced to CPR and discussed how and when to call the emergency services.  A huge thank you to Mrs Allgood and Miss Walker for organising this event, and well done to all the children for their hard work!

Work of the Eco Council

This year, the Eco Council has been working to improve our school grounds, establishing a new wildlife area and reflection space.

The children have organised the planting of spring bulbs and trees.  We are very proud of our wildflower meadow and enjoy exploring it during lunchtimes and playtimes.